Publications and Patents
S. Craig Bergsma, Craig W. Brown, et al, Cu-Ni-Fe Anode for Use in Aluminum Producing Electrolytic Cell, U.S. Patent No. 7,077,945, July 18, 2006.
S. Craig Bergsma and Craig W. Brown, Cu-Ni-Fe Anode Having Improved Microstructure, U.S. Patent No. 6,723,222 B2, April 20, 2004.
Craig W. Brown, Cathode for a Hall-Heroult Type Electrolytic Cell for Producing Aluminum, U.S. Patent No. 6,719,890, April 13, 2004.
Craig W. Brown, Cathode for Aluminum Producing Electrolytic Cell, U.S. Patent No. 6,719,889, April 13, 2004.
Craig W. Brown, “In-Situ Observations of Frozen Electrolyte in Laboratory Reduction Cells,” Light Metals 2003 (TMS, 2003), pp. 293-298.
Craig W. Brown, Removal of Aluminum from a Reduction Cell Employing a Hollow Cathode, Application no 10/287,029, November 4, 2002.
Craig W. Brown, “Final Report: Wetted Cathodes for Low-Temperature Aluminum Smelting” (Report DOE/ID-13901, UDSOE Office of Industrial Technologies, 2002).
Craig W. Brown, Theodore R. Beck, and Patrick B. Frizzle, Cathode Connector for Aluminum Low Temperature Smelting Cell, U.S. Patent No. 6,419,813, July 16, 2002.
Theodore R. Beck and Craig W. Brown, Aluminum Low Temperature Smelting Cell Metal Collection, U.S. Patent No. 6,419,812, July 16, 2002; Canada Application 2,369,246 filed January 24, 2002; Australia Application 13543/02 filed January 27, 2002.
Craig W. Brown and Patrick B. Frizzle, Low Temperature Aluminum Reduction Cell Using Hollow Cathode, U. S. Patent No. 6,436,272, August 20, 2002; PCT Application PCT/US02/02202 filed January 24, 2002.
Craig W. Brown et al., Electrolyte Treatment for Aluminum Reduction, U.S. Patent No. 6,497,807, December 24, 2002.
Craig W. Brown et al., Bath for Electrolytic Reduction of Alumina and Method Therefor, U.S. Patent No. 6,485,628, November 26, 2002.
Craig W. Brown et al., Combination for Electrolytic Reduction of Alumina, U.S. Patent No. 6,379,512, April 30, 2002.
Craig W. Brown et al., Bath for Electrolytic Reduction of Alumina and Method Therefor, U.S. Patent No. 6,258,247, July 10, 2001. Foreign filings made.
Craig W. Brown et al, Catalytic Dissolution of Aluminum Oxide During Electrolytic Reduction of Alumina, Australia Patent Application 25,979/99, filed February 10, 1999, allowed August 12, 2002.
Craig Brown, “Next Generation Vertical Electrode Cells”, Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (Volume 53, Number 5, May 2001), pp. 39-42.
Participated in panel discussion as published in L. Edwards et al, “Inert Anodes and Other New Al Technologies–The Benefits, Challenges and Impact on Present Technology”, Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (Volume 53, Number 5, May 2001), pp. 48-50.
Craig W. Brown, “Laboratory Experiments with Low-Temperature Slurry-Electrolyte Alumina Reduction Cells,” Light Metals 2000 (TMS, 2000), pp. 391-395
Craig W. Brown, “The Wettability of TiB2 – Based Cathodes in Low-Temperature Slurry-Electrolyte Reduction Cells,” Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (50, Number 5, May 1998), pp. 38 – 40.
Craig W. Brown and Paul Danilchik, Fluorescent Spectrophotometer System with Automatic Calibration and Improved Optics Block, U.S. Patent No. 5,731,873, March 24, 1998.
Craig W. Brown and Robert E. Imhoff, Mercury Speciation Rates Observed in Some Fossil Plants Using Solid Sorbent Sampling, 89th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Air and Waste Management Association, Nashville, TN, June 1996.
Robert E. Imhoff and Craig W. Brown, Measuring Particle and Speciated Gas-Phase Hg in Plumes of Coal-fired Steam Plants, 89th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Air and Waste Management Association, Nashville, TN, June 1996.
Craig W. Brown and Robert E. Imhoff, The Fate of Mercury in the Ducts and Plume of a Coal Fired Power Plant, 210th ACS National Convention, Chicago, August 1995.
Craig W. Brown, A Mercury Compound Luminescence Determination Method and Apparatus, Phase I Final Report, U.S. Department of Energy SBIR grant no. DEFG0394ER81719 (April, 1995).
Craig W. Brown, Switched Multi-Tapped Transformer Power Conversion Method and Apparatus, U.S. Patent No. 5,155,672, R.O.C. Invention Patent No. 47537, (1992).
C.W. Brown and G.W. Robinson, J. Chem. Phys. 80, 1579(1984); “Fractional gauge transformations of the first kind: Optimization of cross-section calculations.” (errata re: Publisher’s errors, J.C.P. 81, 3363(1984).)
C.W. Brown, Photochem. and Photobiol. 39, 443(1984); book review of Excited States, Vol. 5 (E.C. Lim, ed., Academic Press, New York, 1982).
G.W. Robinson and C.W. Brown, “Intermediate gauge transformations of two-photon spectroscopies,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Time Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy, p. 11, (Academic Press, New York, 1983).
C.W. Brown, J. Chem. Phys. 77, 5379(1982); “A generalized Franck-Condon principle for vibronic bands of diatomic molecules.”
C.W. Brown, Photochem. and Photobiol. 35, 436(1982); book review of Lasers and Chemical Change by A. Ben-Shaul, Y. Haas, K.L. Kompa, and R.D. Levine (Springer Series in Chemical Physics 10, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1981).
Michael Kasha, Barry Dellinger, and Craig Brown, “Spectroscopy and the Solvent Cage”, in International Conference on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, 1980 (m. DeLuca and W.D. McElroy eds., Academic Press, New York, 1981).
C.W. Brown, Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 1054(1980); “Shortcomings of the Hellmann-Feynman Theorem.”
C.W. Brown, “Spectroscopic consequences of forces on and in molecules,” Ph.D. thesis (The Florida State University, 1980).
C.W. Brown, “Spin-orbit coupling in vibrationally deficient molecules”, Master thesis (The Florida State University, 1977).
Research Seminars and Presentations
Inert Anode Metal Life in Low-Temperature Aluminum Reduction Process, OIT Aluminum
Portfolio Group Annual Review Meeting, Lexington, KY, November 12, 2003.
Inert Anode Metal Life in Low-Temperature Aluminum Reduction Process, OIT Aluminum
Portfolio Group Annual Review Meeting, Lexington, KY, December 3, 2002.
Wetted Cathodes for Low-Temperature Aluminum Smelting, OIT Aluminum Portfolio Group
Annual Review Meeting, Lexington, KY, December 3, 2002.
In-Situ Observations of Frozen Electrolyte in Laboratory Reduction Cells, TMS 2003, 132nd
annual meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2003.
Inert Anode Metal Life in Low-Temperature Aluminum Reduction Process, OIT Aluminum
Portfolio Group Annual Review Meeting, Lexington, KY, October 17, 2001.
Wetted Cathodes for Low-Temperature Aluminum Smelting, OIT Aluminum Portfolio Group
Annual Review Meeting, Lexington, KY, October 17, 2001.
Invited paper, inert anode session, Next Generation Vertical Electrode Cells, TMS 2001,
130th annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 2001.
Invited panel member, inert anode session, TMS 2001, 130th annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 2001. Associated publication: L. Edwards, N. Richards, and H. Kvande,
“Inert Anodes and Other New Al Technologies–The Benefits, Challenges and Impact on
Present Technology,” Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (Volume 50,
Number 5, May 1998), pp. 48 – 50.
Laboratory Experiments with Low-Temperature Slurry-Electrolyte Alumina Reduction Cells,
TMS 2000, 129th annual meeting, Nashville, TN, March 2000.
Invited speaker to DOE-sponsored Manufacturing Leaders Workshop, Portland, OR, May
Invited speaker to ASME Technical Working Group evaluating current state-of-the-art in
aluminum inert anode research, Washington, DC, October 1998.
The Wettability of TiB2 – Based Cathodes in Low-Temperature Slurry- Electrolyte Reduction Cells, 127th annual meeting, San Antonio, TX, February 1998.
Craig W. Brown and Robert E. Imhoff, Mercury Speciation Rates Observed in Some Fossil Plants
Using Solid Sorbent Sampling, 89th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Air and Waste Management Association, Nashville, TN, June 1996.
Craig W. Brown and Robert E. Imhoff, The Fate of Mercury in the Ducts and Plume of a
Coal Fired Power Plant, 210th ACS National Convention, Chicago, August 1995.
Paul Danilchik, Robert Imhoff, et. al., Comparison of the Fate of Mercury in Flues
and Plumes of Coal Fired Boilers, poster, Third International Conference on Mercury
as a Global Pollutant, Whistler, B.C., 1994.
Paul Danilchik, Raymond Valente, et. al., Methods and Protocols for Sampling Mercury
in Flues and Plumes of Coal Fired Boilers, poster, Third International Conference on
Mercury as a Global Pollutant, Whistler, B.C., 1994.
A New Method for Calculating Transition Probabilities, Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University, August 1983; Dept. of Chemistry, Montana State Univ., November 1983.
Gauge Optimized Cross-Sections, Theory of SERS with a Spherical Substrate Particle, A Gauge-Generalized Franck-Condon Principle, and Solvent Cage Effects in the Spectroscopy of 7-Azaindole, Joint seminar program, divisions of Physics, Physical Chemistry and Electrical Engineering, Texas Tech University, 1980-83.
A Relativistic Interpretation of the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation, Journal Club, Department of
Physics, The Florida State University, 1980.
Shortcomings of the Hellmann-Feynman Theorem, The 2O = (O) Gas Phase Equilibrium, Multiphoton Ionization Spectroscopy of Polyatomic Molecules, and Coupling of Electronic and Nuclear Motions, Physical division seminars, Dept. of Chemistry, The Florida State University, 1976-1980.
The Photogalvanic Effect in the Iron-Thionine System, Senior seminar, Dept. of Chemistry, Colorado State University, 1975.
Non-technical Publication
Craig Brown, Reader Letter – “String Science”, Vintage Guitar p. 12 (Vol. 21, No. 3, January 2007).